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Phill Conrad edited this page Oct 21, 2013 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the array-of-talks-web-site wiki!

Here is a snippet of JavaScript + JQuery code that can be used to put "common code" on multiple parts of a website from an external file. This may be a handy alternative to using PHP:

jQuery(document).ready(function ($){

Updating the website

The "live" website is controlled by this directory: /cs/http/projects/arrayoftalks

That directory is now git repository. If:

  • you have uploaded your CSIL account ssh public key uploaded to your github account, and
  • we have added your github id to the "Array of Talks" team

then you should be able to just do:

 cd /cs/http/projects/arrayoftalks 
 git pull

and the site will be updated to whatever you've pushed to the origin master repo (at least it will be updated that way in 30 minutes or so--that's a function of how support set up the site---we don't have any direct control over that delay.)

This should allow us to stage changes to the repository, pull them, look at them locally on our own machines, see if we like the looks of things, and then just log on to CSIL to do the "git pull" command when we are happy with the results.

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