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SDR Parser and Viewer

This repository contains the codebase to deploy a minimalistic Streamlit web application to quickly view through all the daily reports from the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation repository.

There are 2 separate versions of the SDR Viewer in this repository:

  1. Proof-of-Concept for a deployed Streamlit web application (with only the past day's data available for space constraints) (found in the root directory)
  2. Localhost viewing with a full set of data to view historical data (found in the local_instance directory)

Steps to run the application locally

Do ensure you have Python 3.7+ and MongoDBCompass installed in your machine before running this application.

pip install requirements.txt

# To scrape the historical data locally
cd Scrapers

# Adjust the date you wish to start scraping from in line 7

cd ..

cd local_instance

# Save data to MongoDB instance

# View local application
python -m streamlit

You will be able to view the application running locally on your machine at this URL: localhost:8501.

Web Application Overview

I created 2 GitHub Action workflows:

  1. scrape.yml: This will automatically web scrape yesterday's DTCC cumulative reports and save the corresponding CSV file in this repository.
  2. update_db.yml: This will automatically save the data to a Mongo Atlas cloud instance, and the data will be populated in the web application.

To see the deployed web application in action, view this webpage.


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