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MjolNear is the first Open NFT marketplace on NEAR blockchain. You can sell and buy NFTs from any other marketplace or collection. This simple guide will help you to start.

How to start with MjolNear?

Which contracts are supported on MjolNear?

Not every contract on NEAR blockchain is NFT contract. There are several standarts that must be implemented by the contract: NEP-171, NEP-177, NEP-178 and NEP-181. If contract implements all this standarts, it will become usable and visible on MjolNear and any NFT from this contract can be sold or bought via MjolNear.

What if I want to create my own NFT contract?

It seems a bit complex on the first look but MjolNear team will provide a complex exmaple on how to create your own NFT contract that will satisfy all the requirements, described in previous section.

  1. Go to our sample repository on GitHub and fork it using "Fork" button in the top right corner.

2. Clone forked repository.

3. Now go to directory with cloned project and run in terminal: ./ . It will build the contract.

4. Now we have to deploy the contract, initialize it and mint the first NFT. Write these commands in terminal step by step:

  • Set NEAR enviroment to mainnet
export NEAR_ENV=mainnet
  • Login using yout NEAR account
near login // use it to login via your NEAR accountshe
  • Create account that will be used for contract deployment (skip this step if you already have account for deployment)
near create-account *your NFT contract name with suffix as masterAccount* --masterAccount *you account name* --initialBalance 6.0.
  • Next command will initialize your contract. You must supply the owner_id in arguments (owner is the only person who can mint NFTs on the contract, usually it is just your account) and metadata (some info about your NFT contract).

    NOTE: it may require about 6.0 NEAR for initial storage of the contract.
near deploy --accountId *account id of future contract* --wasmFile out/main.wasm --initFunction new --initArgs '{"owner_id": "*you account name*", "contract_metadata": {"spec": "nft-1.0.0", "name": "*name of your NFT contract*", "symbol": "*symbol of your contract, usually a small word*", "icon": "*URL for icon of your contract*", "base_uri": "*base URI for decentralazed storage of contract additional metadata (for example NFT Storage)*", "reference": "*URL to JSON with more info (traits and etc.)*", "reference_hash": "*hash of reference from previous field. It will be used to build link using base_uri*"}}'

Example of arguments:

{ "owner_id": "myaccount.near", 
  "contract_metadata": { 
      "spec": "nft-1.0.0", 
      "name": "My First NFT collection!", 
      "symbol": "LUVNFT",
      "icon": "", 
      "base_uri": "", 
      "reference": "", 
      "reference_hash": "aSBsb3ZlIG1qb2xuZWFyIHZlcnkgdmVyeSB2ZXJ5IG11Y2ghISE=" 
  • You contract is ready! Now you can mint any token on it using this command:
near call *your contract name* nftmint '{"tokenid": "*unique id of this token*", "token_ownerid": "*owner of this token. May be you want to mint it directly to your friend!*", "token_metadata": *some token metadata*}' --depost 0.1 --gas 300000000000000 --accountId *owner_id of the contract*
  "title": "My lovely Punk.", 
  "description": "I really love my punk.", 
  "media": "", 
  "media_hash": "bafybeicmy2c2hpfb5so5maacqnfuxm54ohom5iaeaeeuhvrxg6j32hn6re", 
  "copies": 1, 
  "issued_at": ..., // ISO 8601 datetime when token was issued or minted
  "expires_at": ..., // ISO 8601 datetime when token expires
  "starts_at": ..., // ISO 8601 datetime when token starts being valid
  "updated_at": ..., // ISO 8601 datetime when token was last updated
  "extra": {"traits": {"eyes": "blue"}}, // anything extra the NFT wants to store on-chain (like traits and etc.). Can be stringified JSON.
  "reference": "", // URL to an off-chain JSON file with more info.
  "reference_hash": "cHVuayBmb3IgbWpvbG5lYXIhIG1vbSBpIGxvdmUgeW91", // Base64-encoded sha256 hash of JSON from reference field. Required if `reference` is included.

You are all set! Your NFT is on the contract! You can go to MjolNear and place it on the market.


MjolNear team


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