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Sukhavati Contracts

This repository contains two contracts:

  • SKT ERC20 Contract

SKT ERC20 Contract

Contract Details

  • Name: Sukhavati Network Token
  • Symbol: SKT
  • Decimals: 8

The ERC20 contract uses the OpenZeppelin ERC20PresetMinterPauser contract.

OpenZeppelin contracts are community audited and considered to be safe.

Contract Details

The signature contains the address of the participant, the number of tokens and a nonce. The contract uses ecrecover to verify that the signature was created by our trusted account.

If the signature is valid, the contract will transfer the tokens from a Sukhavat owned wallet to the participant.

Running the tests

Install the dependencies:

yarn install

Create the .env file:

cp -v .env.example .env

Run the ganache-cli test rpc with a predefined mnemonic phrase:

yarn testrpc

Run the tests in a new terminal session:

truffle test

Deploy contract

Config deploy account

If .env not exit please

cp .env.example .env

Find the .env to find TRUSTED_ACCOUNT config key input the deploy account private key

Config gasPrice on network

Find the truffle-config.js file get export object in follow path and default gasPrice is 1gwei

networks ->  live -> gasPrice

Deploy contract to rinkeby test network

./node_modules/.bin/truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby

Deploy contract to main net network

./node_modules/.bin/truffle migrate --reset --network live


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