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In this article I’ll cover vital user guidelines on compiling, deploying and managing the smart contracts of the VU Item Token.


General Overview

VUItemToken is non-fungible token which implements the ERC721 standard. It provides basic functionality for tracking and transferring unique items in VU World.

The main properties of VUItemToken are: id: a unique numeric identifier Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): points to unchangeable VUItemToken's metadata.

Please, refer to this and this for more details.


VU Item's metadata is not stored on the blockchain. Instead, each VU Item has a URI which points to a JSON file that conforms to the below ERC721 Metadata JSON Schema:

    "title": "Asset Metadata",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Identifies the asset to which this NFT represents",
        "description": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Describes the asset to which this NFT represents",
        "image": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "A URI pointing to a resource with mime type image/* representing the asset to which this NFT represents. Consider making any images at a width between 320 and 1080 pixels and aspect ratio between 1.91:1 and 4:5 inclusive.",

VUItemToken Details

Standart: ERC721

  • Name: VUItem
  • Symbol: VUI
Network Address
Mainnet TBD
Rinkeby TBD
Kovan TBD

How to manage VUItemToken


To create a single VUItem, use the mint(address to, uint id, bytes32 uri) function:

await, token1ID, "hash1")

Note: use a valid URI instead of dummy hash1. Only a contract owner is permitted to execute this function.


To create multiple VUItems in a single transaction, use the massMint(address to, uint[] ids, bytes32[] uris) function:

await vuItemToken.massMint(to, [token1ID,token2ID], ["hash1", "hash2"])

Note: use valid URIs instead of dummy hash#. Only a contract owner is permitted to execute this function.


To transfer a VUItem, use the transferFrom(address from, address to, uint id) function:

await vuItemToken.transferFrom(from, to, itemID)

Note: only a token's owner is permitted to perform this function.


The VUSwap contract allows the trading of VUItems over a purely Decentralized Exchange. VU does not rely on a third party service to hold the customer's funds. Instead, trades occur directly between users (peer to peer) through an automated process. VUSwap allows to buy a bunch of VUItems in a single transaction.

There is a basic trade workflow description, where buyer is a person who wants to buy VUItems, and seller is a person who sells VUItems.

1. (Optional) Setup unlimited allowance

await vuItemToken.setApprovalForAll(vuSwap.address, true, {from: buyer})
await vuToken.approve(user1, UINX_MAX, {from: seller})

This step is optional, but strongly recommended. Unlimited allowance simplifies your trade workflow. Once executed, it decreases the number of transactions needed for swap. Only a single buyer's transaction should be performed to buy the tokens. Seller does not spend his ETH.

2. Agree on the terms of an order

Both seller and buyer should agree on the terms of an order outside of actions performed on the VU Exchange. Websites and/or desktop applications could be used to help users make an agreement.

Below is an example order structure:

order.maker = seller; // seller address
order.makerToken = vuItemToken.address; // address of VUItem Token
order.makerReceiver = seller; // seller will receive VUTokens
order.makerValues = [item1ID, item2ID]; // ids of VUItems, will be transferred to buyer
order.taker = buyer; // who wants to buy VUItems
order.takerToken = vuToken.address; // usually it is VUToken's address
order.takerValues = [VU_TOKEN_AMOUNT]; // amount of takerToken which will be transferred to seller
order.expiration = new Date().getTime() + 60000; // expiration date
order.nonce = 1; // nonce, should be incremented

3. Sign

Seller should sign the order's data (off-chain, no gas required):

const { v, r, s } = await signature(order, seller);

Then, seller should share { v, r, s } with buyer.

4. Trade

Buyer should fill the order (i.e. execute transaction, gas required):

let addresses = [order.maker, order.makerToken, order.makerReceiver, order.taker, order.takerToken];
let result = await vuSwap.fill(addresses,
                                v, util.bufferToHex(r), util.bufferToHex(s), {from: buyer});

5. Bingo!

Trade is done.


There is also a basic crowdsale workflow, which I’ve outlined below:

  • Owner mints VUItems to middleware. Middleware is an automated service (backend) which holds all VUItems for sell, and generates signs if user wants to buy some VUItems.
  • Middleware should allow VUSwap contract to spend his tokens, see unlimited allowance. Only 1 transaction should be performed here. After this step, Middleware performs only off-chain computations, it may have zero balance.
  • Middleware generates signs when buyer wants to buy some VUItems and sends an order details to buyer.
  • Buyer fills the order generated by Middleware via VUSwap contract.
  • Done.


Example with videos available here.