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2 HTAs for Login to Print Server and Mapping Network Printer.
If the print server is already logged in, you can just use the Map_Printer.hta.


Login Map

How is it being done?

Using ProcessOutputMonitor Class. It will spawn a child process and monitor its output.
ProcessOutputMonitor makes it possible to run multiple commands at once.
This will not make HTA GUI hangs and shows not responding in the title bar if the code is running long command.

net use for logging in to server.
net view for fetching printers from print server. net view is way faster than WMIService.ExecQuery in vbs.
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry for printer ultilities.

Config File

Edit the config.xml file to be used in your environment.
Run ipconfig in cmd to know what's your intranet dns suffix.
You can add or delete Print Servers and it's prefix.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
		<HOSTNAME>Print Server 1</HOSTNAME>
		<PREFIX>Printer Prefix 1</PREFIX>
		<HOSTNAME>Print Server 2</HOSTNAME>
		<PREFIX>Printer Prefix 2 </PREFIX>
		<HOSTNAME>Print Server 3</HOSTNAME>
		<PREFIX>Printer Prefix 3</PREFIX>