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Releases: automvc/bee

Bee V2.1.8

05 Oct 09:46
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1.1 Make the spring boot command line compatible with active profile selection, for example: java -jar springbootDemo.jar, which will trigger
1.2 Make the spring boot data source configuration compatible, such as spring.datasource.url.
1.3 When not starting the application directly running the main method, if does not have a data source configuration, it should be able to use the single data source configuration in of spring boot.
2. Perform insert, update, and delete operations on multiple table associations.
3. Add date format validation and calculate age in DateUtil.
4. Fix the bug in the CurrencyArithmetic variable.
5. Make the table name in CacheSuidStruct case-insensitive.
6. Improve the interceptor and context information management in MongodbObjSQLRichExt.
7. Support creating tables through Excel for more Database.
8. In Mongodb logging, when querying all fields, by default, the fields to be queried are not displayed. This can be controlled by the bee.osql.showMongoSelectAllFields configuration.
9. Provide a default BeeSimpleDataSource that supports configuring multiple data sources in (even without using spring boot). When using Bee alone, the DataSourceBuilderFactory can also start automatically.
10. Support generating Swagger annotations for Javabean.
11. GridFs annotation support select type for MongoDB, GridFs file type support byte[]

Bee V1.11

06 May 02:13
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V1.11(International Labour Day)
V1. New Year)
SuidRich add method:
public long insertAndReturnId(T entity,IncludeType includeType);
PreparedSql add method:
public List select(String sql,T returnType);
add annotation PrimaryKey
MapSqlKey support PrimaryKey
BF is shortcut for BeeFactoryHelper
Enhance:config info add trim() about multi-DataSource Write/Read
fix a bug for naming transfer

V1. Spring Festival)
add function: Interceptor、multi-tenant
add Interceptor,InterceptorChain
add DefaultInterceptor,CommInterceptorChain,DefaultInterceptorChain

V1. Beijing Winter Olympics)
level tow ext cache support
Redis cache support
add BeeExtCache,DefaultBeeExtCache
add BeeExtRedisCache

V1. the Lantern Festival)
add annotation:Datetime,Createtime,Updatetime;JustFetch
add support Jndi DataSource
check MapSqlKey value

Optimize use different Database Type at same time(multi-Ds)
Support use differnt type Database at the same time(eg:use Mysql,Oracle,SQL Server at same time)
PreparedSql,MapSuid support Interceptor
Suid,PreparedSql,MapSuid support get DataSource,get InterceptorChain
Suid,PreparedSql,MapSuid,MoreTable add method:setDataSourceName,getDataSourceName,getInterceptorChain
add Annotation:
ReplaceInto,MySQL replace into

V1. (Special Day)
add ShardingStruct prepare for sharding.
add Column annotation support to extend mapping column and Javabean field name.
support custom TypeHandler,and process the ResultSet.
PreparedSql custom sql support more table select,and return more table struct Javabean.
fixed bug:
More table self association query of the same entity forbid multi-self-cycles

V1. (Lady First)
add SetParaTypeConvert for convert PreparedStatement parameter.
Javabean use java.util.Date type for SUID compatibility processing.
SQLite get the timestamp result for conversion.
The Json field of DB is automatically converted to the attribute marked with Json annotation of Javabean(Javabean structure corresponding to Json).

V1. (Tree Planting Day) uses Javabean to create tables, supports the mapping between Java and DB field types, and supports the setting java_dbtype mapping. is compatible with raw char type and java.util.Date.
PreparedSql support batch insert.
Support Suid instance set NameTranslate.
Add DbFeature Registry,it is easy for setting custom database dialect.
Support Cassandra.

V1. (Spring Equinox)
add Custom dynamic SQL token,@in,@toIsNULL1,@toIsNULL2,,.
dynamic SQL list transfer list to SQL in eg:in (1,2,3),no need foreach;batch insert also no need foreach.
Separate CN and EN API.

V1. (The World Earth Day)
Add registry interface; Add nameregistry.
Change serializer throws exceptions type.
Mapsuid and mapsql support parsing string to boolean type.
Genbean, which does not support JDBC type, reminds you which file to set;
Genbean support config where override the old file;
Genbean support gen javabean's field file;
SuidRich's method selectString support variable-length arguments:
public List<String[]> selectString(T entity,String... selectFields);
CommInterceptorChain check whether add same class. SystemLogger supports setting log level to facilitate development and debugging.
The logger add method: public static void debug (string MSG, throwable T) (convenient for development and debugging).
Nocache add log prompt.
Improve cache security.
Add preload SPI interface Preload.
Add InterceptorChainRegistry, an interceptor registrar for global use.
Add configuration item:
fixed bug for type converter.
fixed bug about @PrimaryKey in Suid update(entity).

The configuration file supports multi-environment differentiated configuration.
SuidRich,public int update(T oldEntity, T newEntity) Interceptors only handle newEntity.

Bee V1.9.8

03 Mar 01:02
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V1.9.8(2021 Mid-Autumn Day)
SuidRich add 4 method.
MoreTable(more table select):
support List type field for more tables join;
support two sub tables join(inner join,right join, left join);
support one sub table have another join sub table;
annotation JoinTable add method:subClass() for List type field
MapSuid(the Javabean corresponding to the table is not required):
add method update,count,paging select, add and adjust insert and insertAndReturnId.
PreparedSqlLib support selectMapList method.
Read/Write multi-DataSource support different type DataSource.
Logger: two method support have parameter Throwable.
sql log support config the log level.
add class StreamUtil
enhance check field
enhance multi-thread support.
custom the path of
Generate Javabean(GenBean) support type:JSON,TEXT.

Bee V1.9.5

03 Mar 00:59
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more table join select support more join condition.
same Connection for some ORM operation.
support different type muli-Ds at same time.
IncludeType support exclude " ".
add Ignore Annotation, ignore the field which do not want to transfer.
support define start and end token when generate file by template.
enhance DB conn management.
enhance code quality(The test coverage is more than 70%, and the key code is more than 90%).
enhance chain coding:Select,Update.
adjust config information of,HoneyConfig.
Bee integration with Spring Boot,provide bee-spring-boot-starter.
support use Javabean create the DB table.
fix the problem that the fields with the same name will be confused in some databases(oracle) when multi table paging query.
fixed: update is default by id,but no id field or id is null,will have exception.
fixed: cache bug.
fixed: about getRangeId(int sizeOfIds) of GenId.
fixed: in jdk 11,LoggerFactory use log4j2,have exception.
when entity is view(not table), recommend put in bee.osql.cache.never(

bee v1.8.99

08 Nov 15:31
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1.Support lower and upper case option for SQL KeyWord.
2.Cache sql key support MD5 string.
3.Optimize the way of setting DB information with Honeyconfig.
4.Fix bug about checkSelectField.

Enhance support for H2,SQLite,PostgreSQL;Enhance paging funtion.

08 Oct 15:02
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v1.8.15(2020-10-01 3Festivals)
1.Enhance support for H2,SQLite,PostgreSQL.
2.Enhance page funtion,paging para also use placeholder.
3.Can be used in zero configuration.
4.Enhance PearFlowerId algorithm that it will produce even number with continuous mantissa of 0 when is often not used (there are no such defect in SerialUniqueId and OneTimeSnowflakeId).
5.Enhance Log function.
6.Fixed json transform bug.

bee V1.8 Add Distributed Feature

12 Sep 17:38
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1.Add multi-DataSource support(Write/Read, only Split Database).
add multi-DataSource no need change the Java code.
add the route interface of multi-Datasource.
add multi-DataSource route.
add multi-DataSource config.
support refresh multi-DataSource config information.
2.Generate global unique id number in distributed environment.
3.Generate Serial Unique id number in one workid of distributed environment.
Independent clock,workerid can config and easily expand.
Implement algorithms:SerialUniqueId,OneTimeSnowflakeId,PearFlowerId.
Support GenId Factory,and can config the id generator.
4.Gen Serial Unique Id for all Table's Long Id field as primary key.
Enhance Function:
5.The same database sub table support, dynamic table name mapping support.
Entity and any table name mapping support.
12. ...

V1.7.2 More enhance.

03 May 00:50
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support set the default naming translate type by config.
enhance function of BeeFactory.
adjust the format of SQL log.
support set the date format by config.
move test/example to new project bee-exam.
add class FileLogger for write the log in file.
support control print log level or not by config.
enhance test case/example.
support generate the file according to template.
add method delete(T entity, Condition condition) in Suid.
support setting not allowed delete whole records in one table while Object Oriented way.
SuidRich add 2 methods:
updateBy(T entity,String whereFields,Condition condition)
update(T entity,String updateFields,Condition condition)
add nocache config support.
add method setAdd,setMultiply in Condition for set value in SQL update.

more tables select oriented object support; fixed bug; more easy use.

25 Feb 14:26
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more tables select oriented object support;
fixed bug;
more easy use.

more tables select oriented object support.

22 Dec 14:46
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more tables select oriented object support. one to one,one to many,many to one,many to many. inner join, left join,right join, no join.
3.The select operations of single table and more tables do not affect each other.