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This is a fully featured docker image for running a SmartCash wallet. It's initial purpose is the operation of a SmartCash SmartNode.


A typical cryptainer/smartcash SmartNode container can be started as follows:

docker run \
  -e conf_rpcuser=changeme \
  -e conf_rpcpassword=changeme \
  -e conf_rpcallowip=::/0 \
  -e conf_rpcport=22350 \
  -e conf_port=9678 \
  -e conf_listen=1 \
  -e conf_server=1 \
  -e conf_smartnode=1 \
  -e conf_txindex=1 \
  -e conf_smartnodeprivkey=<your smartnode privatekey> \
  -e conf_printtoconsole=1 \
  -v /path/to/data:/data \


  • /data: The .smartcash directory (blocks, chainstate,...)


The smartcash.conf gets generated on each container start based on the given environment variables prefixed with conf_. For example, to set smartnode=1 you need to run the container as follows:

docker run -e conf_smartnode=1 cryptainer/smartcash


Set DEBUG=1 in order to have all configuration printed to stdout during container startup.


n order to contribute a patch, the workflow is as follows:

Fork repository Create feature branch Commit patches Submit pull request In general commits should be atomic and diffs should be easy to read. For this reason do not mix any formatting fixes or code moves with actual code changes.

Commit messages should be verbose by default, consisting of a short subject line (50 chars max), a blank line and detailed explanatory text as separate paragraph(s); unless the title alone is self-explanatory (like "Corrected typo in main.cpp") then a single title line is sufficient. Commit messages should be helpful to people reading your code in the future, so explain the reasoning for your decisions. Further explanation here.


Released under the MIT license, under the same terms as SmartCash itself. See LICENSE for more info.


Do you like this project and want to say thanks? Your donation is always welcome:

SmartCash: SgZcMNzgVQD9TRQArtJ6a1LTZr5U93dj53

Bitcoin: 1LHq6uYsqMX23tx2hDripE4zktX6yxfrUF