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🪄 The foundational spells that power Exodus Town's blockchain backbone.

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Exodus Town - Contracts

Within the digital dominion of Exodus Town, these contracts are the bedrock of our economy and governance.


Behold the $TOWN token, an ERC721 artifact that embodies the essence of a parcel in the realm. This mystical emblem can only be conjured by the esteemed minter, a role foreordained for the AuctionHouse contract.


A monument of code, the AuctionHouse is the alchemist behind the minting of TownToken parcels. It conducts the daily ritual of auctions, spinning out parcels in an eternal spiral from the world's heart. Settled in the revered $MANA ERC20 tokens, its bounty is entrusted to the ExodusDAO, the keeper of wealth and wisdom.


The ExodusDAO stands as an OpenZeppelin Governor, a citadel where the TownToken holders' will is law. It hoards the treasure from the auctions, awaiting the community's command to channel these riches into realms of possibility. A safeguard is set—a sorcerer's seal that forbids proposal conjuring until 100 $TOWN tokens have emerged, warding off the specter of a 51% assault in the nascent days.



This sacred incantation deploys the pillars of our society: TownToken, AuctionHouse, and ExodusDAO. It weaves a spell that transfers the ownership of TownToken to the AuctionHouse, unpauses the AuctionHouse to unleash its power to create the genesis auction, and finally it anoints the ExodusDAO as the owner and ultimate guardian of the AuctionHouse.


This task is akin to turning the page to a new chapter in the epic of Exodus Town. When the sun sets on the current auction and the last bid has been cast, this mystical command ushers in the dawn of a new day. It conjures the next daily auction, ensuring that the spiral of opportunity and adventure within Exodus Town continues unbroken.


The bid task stands as a crucial rite in the daily dance of commerce and competition within Exodus Town. This command allows settlers to cast their financial spells in the current auction, weaving their aspirations into tangible bids. By invoking bid with a specified amount as a parameter, participants actively shape the destiny of the ongoing auction, each bid a testament to their ambition and desire for a stake in this ever-evolving digital expanse.


This rite assembles the npm package, a tome containing both the arcane typings and the ABIs, allowing the magic to be invoked in distant lands. Our CI spirits dutifully craft a @next version with every new moon and a @latest version with each solar eclipse.





In the mystical lands of Exodus Town, where the digital air is thick with the spirit of competition, a conjuration known as The Bot can be summoned to partake on your behalf in the grand auction rituals. Should you wish to harness this automaton, follow the path laid out below:

Arcane Preparations

Before embarking on this digital sorcery, ensure the presence of Git and NodeJS within your alchemical workspace. These are the foundational elements required to breathe life into The Bot. Should they be absent, you may summon them thusly:

  • Install Git for the scribing of codes.
  • Conjure NodeJS to animate our digital familiar.

Summoning the Code

With a terminal as your arcane circle, invoke the following incantations:

git clone

This spell binds the essence of our repository to your domain. Proceed to enter its sanctum:

cd contracts

Enchanting the Environment

Within the sanctum, an .env.example scroll exists. Duplicate this scroll, renaming it to .env:

cp .env.example .env

Upon this new scroll, inscribe your ALCHEMY_KEY and PRIVATE_KEY with the sacred texts from Alchemy API Key for Polygon and a newly forged Ethereum private key (imbue it with a sprinkle of MATIC for sustenance).

Gathering the Components

With the command below, assemble the necessary artifacts and incantations:

npm install

Awakening The Bot

To awaken The Bot, chant the following, setting a --limit to restrain its bidding zeal, should you wish:

npm run bot -- -- --limit 100

(Ye must include those -- -- as a bridge between realms)

Every half-minute mark, The Bot shall peer into the auction's heart, wielding your will to outbid rivals, yet never crossing the threshold set by your --limit command.

With this, The Bot is at your command, a digital familiar bound to your bidding in the ethereal auction halls of Exodus Town.