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Lunyr Contracts

This is the official repository for the crowdsale of Lunyr tokens.

We use SafeMath.sol and ERC20.sol from Zeppelin (thanks!)
NewToken.sol is an example of a new token that we might upgrade to.

We have 1200+ lines of tests. There are two test files:

  1. One tests the wallet
  2. The other one tests the crowd-sale token contracts.

-2. Open a terminal
-1. Install npm
0. Clone the repository "git clone"

  1. In the repository, run "npm install"
  2. Run testrpc (see below)
  3. In another terminal, run "truffle test"

The testrpc command we use is

testrpc --testnet --account=0x1024102410241024102410241024102410241024102410241024102410241020,10000000000000000000000000 --account=0x1024102410241024102410241024102410241024102410241024102410241021,10000000000000000000000000 --account=0x1024102410241024102410241024102410241024102410241024102410241022,10000000000000000000000000 --account=0x1024102410241024102410241024102410241024102410241024102410241023,10000000000000000000000000 --account=0x1024102410241024102410241024102410241024102410241024102410241024,10000000000000000000000000 --debug

If you don't want to run all the tests, you can just run individual ones

truffle test ./test/LunyrToken.js

If you want to test on the testnet, do the following:

  1. install geth "brew install geth" or "apt-get install ethereum"
  2. create at least 3 accounts "geth account new"
  3. get some test ethereum (how?)
  4. run geth in the terminal: "geth --testnet --rpc --rpcport 45585 --rpcaddr localhost console"
  5. in the geth console, unlock your default account "personal.unlockAccount(web3.eth.accounts[0])"
  6. in another terminal, get to the directory where you cloned the repo 'cd crowdsale-contracts/'
  7. run "truffle migrate --network testnet"
  8. run "truffle console --network testnet"
  9. interact with the contracts via web3


Crowdsale contracts






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