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Tools for Pacman-G2


pacman-tools is a collection of handy scripts around pacman-g2 to build and maintain packages. The first stable Frugalware that shipped pacman-tools was 0.2 (Aurora).

Release Notes

Please see the NEWS file for information about what user-visible changes are introduced in a given release.


These scripts are written in bash, python and perl, so you will need those interpreters to use all of them. Additionally the following libraries are required to use mkiso, the ISO9660 install image generation tool:

  • libpacman

  • glib2

  • libxml2

You need to have asciidoc installed, if you want to build the documentation.

How to set it up

The usual

$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

will work as expected.

To get the latest source using git:

$ git clone git://

I would like to have support for …​

If something does not work, then please report the issue to the bug tracking system.

Known bugs

  • None at this time.


for the following people:

  • Marcus Habermehl, for contributing rpm2fpm

  • Vilmos Katona, for contributing etcconfig

  • Bence Nagy, for the initial implementation of the fwmakepkg macro system

  • Zsolt Szalai, for contributing chkworld, the no longer used pud and rf scripts and the initial implementation of chkdep