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AWS CloudFormation Templates 🚀


The goal of this repository is store my personal CloudFormation templates and provided to the community in order to create single or nested stacks to build real projects. The provided CloudFormation template automates the entire creation and deployment of AWS Products. The project includes the following templates:

  1. VPC Structures
    1. This include: Internet Gateway, Subnets and their Route Tables Associations
  2. Lambda functions in order to handle the service:
    1. EC2 (Auto assign Ipv6 and Subnet)
    2. Simple Email Service (SES) (Send email)
    3. API Gateway (Communicate the steps from the API and send the instruction to the State Machine)
  3. IAM Roles in order to allow:
    1. Lambda functions
    2. State Machine
  4. Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
  5. Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) File System (FS)
  6. Application Load Balancers (ALB)
  7. Launch Template
  8. AutoScaling Group (ASG)
  9. SSM Parameter with the CloudWatch configuration for monitoring EC2 Instance
  10. Simple Email Service (SES)
  11. S3 Bucket as Static website configuration
  12. State Machine with Step Functions
  13. API Gateway (RestAPI) with CORS enabled and association with a Lambda Function


IMPORTANT NOTE: Creating stacks in your AWS account will create and consume AWS resources, which will cost money. I do not take any responsibility for the additional cost to use these templates, you should get information about the prices by using the official website. Be sure to shut down/remove all the resources once you have finished to avoid ongoing charges to your AWS account (see instructions on cleaning up/tear down below).

How to use

  1. Enter in your AWS account.
  2. Search the service AWS CloudFormation and then click the service.
  3. Inside this service you should search the option Stacks, click it.
  4. Here you need go to click the dropdown menu Create stack > with new resources (standard).
  5. Now inside the box Prerequisite - Prepare template you can choose how validate and prepare the template. I recommend you use Create template in Designer, then into the box below click in Create template in Designer.
  6. Click in Template, select all inside and paste one of the templates.
  7. Click in Create stack (Cloud icon ☁️), you should redirect to the before page, then click Next.
  8. You will be redirect to Specify stack details, fill all the inputs then click Next.
  9. You will be redirect to Configure stack options, go down and click Next.
  10. You will be redirect to Review test, go down, sometimes will be require the section of Capabilities check the acknowledge box, read it and check it.
  11. Click Submit.
  12. Wait until the stack if created, you can refresh the status, must change from CREATE_IN_PROGRESS to CREATE_COMPLETE.
  13. Into the tab Resources you can see all the services deployed.

Cleaning up

To tear down your application and remove all resources associated with the Template, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the AWS CloudFormation service.
  2. Go to Stacks.
  3. Find and select the stack you created.
  4. Delete the stack using the button Delete.

Remember to shut down/remove all related resources once you are finished to avoid ongoing charges to your AWS account.

License Summary

This sample code is made available under a modified MIT license. See the LICENSE file.