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A trip tracker and visualizer.

This app will allow users to capture aspects of their journey such as specific locations or the geographic path (driving, flying, hiking) and pin pictures they have taken during the trip, so that they can visualize the entire experience in a variety of ways. The app will utilize the Parse to store data and pictures taking with the camera, the Googlemap API to show a map, the Googleplace API to mark locations, and the Twitter API to track tweets. At the end of the trip, the user can generate a “story”, an interactive visualization of the trip in card format, containing pinned pictures, maps, tweets, and map check­ins. This can then be shared with friends and social media and allow people to experience or reminisce the trip in a fresh way.

To Start

npm install
gulp install

Use gulp watch while working to auto compile css and include javascript files, or just gulp to do so once.

Run unit tests with gulp test