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ESP32 Gateway

Source and configuration tools for an ESP32-based gateway.

The Espressif ESP32 is an SoC with integrated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

We test and deploy the software on the SparkFun ESP32 Thing.

The software for the gateway consists of a number of separate services.

  • Configuration of Wi-Fi credentials via Bluetooth when Wi-Fi is not yet connected
  • Serial logging of PowerBlade data parsed from BLE advertisements
  • Forwarding of PowerBlade data to a configurable Influx endpoint
  • Serving of tools and settings as a web portal on the local network

The ESP32 Applications repo contains single-purpose applications that demonstrate or test most of these services, as well as a number of other miscellaneous applications.


To set up the software environment on your machine, follow the Espressif documentation.

Connect the device via USB and find the appropriate serial port.

While in the ESP32 Gateway repo, menuconfig can be used to access the configuration menu, and optionally set default Wi-Fi credentials and InfluxDB endpoint. Hit Q to exit.

Wi-Fi and InfluxDB credentials can also be changed after the gateway is programmed using a phone or browser. View startup guide for instructions.


Use -p <PORT> flash monitor to generate necessary files, build the project, flash the binary to the device, and display serial output from the device.

Hit CTRL + ] to halt serial monitoring.

View startup guide for tips on configuring and deploying the programmed gateway with PowerBlades.


ESP32-Based Gateway for PowerBlade Deployments






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