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OSCON 2018 - Adaptive Web Components: Context matters!

Adaptive User Interface Demo

See also Adaptive Variants Demo


Ever sat in one of the shaking cable cars in San Francisco and ordered a wrong pizza because the train is rattling along so the buttons get all mixed up?


Vibration (movement) of a device makes UI elements increase size.

Demonstrates how context queries might be used to adapt UI to environmment conditions. Generic Sensor API is used to gather data (Accelerator) and adjust size of UI elements.


To test in Chrome follow the Launch Instructions for Generic Sensor API or use buttons in the top to simulsate Vibration Level change.


Since no sensor API is available the Vibration Level might be simulated using the buttons in the top of the app.


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How to install

  • Clone the repository.
  • Ensure nodejs and npm are installed (see node.js)
  • Ensure grunt installed. If not, execute
    npm install -g grunt-cli
  • install and start the app itself:
    npm install
    npm install -g grunt-cli
    npm start
  • open in browser: http://localhost:8082