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Demonstration developed as final project for the 2018/19 ConsenSys Developer Bootcamp

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Marketplace Dapp Demonstration


This project is a blockchain marketplace supply chain management demonstration. It presents a multi-shop marketplace, where shopowners carry on private dialogs with buyers regarding the state of purchases. Item states include ForSale, Sold, Shipped, Received, and Archived.

Interaction Model


The dapp defines three roles, Administrators, Shopowners, and Customers. Administrators can add and remove new administrators and shopowners. Administrators can also trigger the circuit breaker, which prevents any new admins, shopowners, shops or products from being added. When the circuit breaker is engaged, the owner can destroy the contract. Administrators are automatically recognized, and the Admin menu is presented to them to access the admin tools.


Shopowners can create new shops, add products and withdraw balances from shops. Products consist of the shop id, a name, a description, a price and an optional image which is uploaded and served from IPFS. Shopowners are automatically recognized and the Manage Shops menu is presented allowing access to the shop management tools.


Customers are presented with the Marketplace, the list of shops created by shopowners. When customers buy products, they initiate a supply chain dialog with the shopowner. Purchased items disappear from the shop for everyone other than the custumer who purchased it.

Customer/Shopowner Purchase Dialog

Purchased items remain on the shop page for the customer who purchased it, and the Buy Now button changes to Ordered. The shopowner can see this state transition in their product listing and can change the state of the item to Shipped. This transition is reflected in the customer's view by the button changing now to Receive. Clicking the Receive button confirms the customer received the order, and again the state change is reflected in the shopowner's view by the item's state changing to Archive, indicating the transaction is complete, and the order can be archived.

Development Environment, Tools & System Requirements

The demonstration is built using Truffle, Drizzle, React, React-Router and Reactstrap.

The main Solidity contract, Marketplace.sol, uses OpenZeppelin's Roles.sol access control library to implement Administrator and Shop Owner privileges, and SafeMath.sol for safe integer operations. Marketplace.sol also uses a list managment library developed specifically for this project. The main contract was flattened using truffle-flattener to verify the contract on Etherscan.

To interact with the demonstration, you'll need MetaMask installed in your browser. To run locally, you'll also need Ganache-cli and Git.

Live Demo


Live versions of the DAPP are available on:


The contract is live and verified on:

Walkthrough Script

A demonstration walkthrough script is available here: Marketplace Dapp Demo Walkthrough

Local Installation

Install Git, Truffle & Ganache-cli

To run a local version, make sure you have Git, Truffle and Ganache-cli installed. On Debian/Ubuntu, open a terminal window and:

$ sudo apt install git-all

$ npm install truffle -g

$ npm install ganache-cli -g

Confirm Git, Truffle and Ganache-cli are installed:

$ git --version

$ truffle version

$ ganache-cli --version

Clone & Install the Repository

Create your project directory:

$ mkdir myProject

$ cd myProject

Clone the marketplace_dapp_demo repository:

git clone

Install the required modules for Truffle:

$ cd marketplace_dapp_demo

$ npm install

Install the required modules for React:

$ cd client

$ npm install

Running the Demonstration

To run the demonstration, you'll need to start Ganache-cli, seed your test accounts into MetaMask, compile the contract using Truffle, migrate the contract to Ganache-cli, run the Truffle test suites, and then start up the React dapp.

Ganache-cli and MetaMask

After installing, start Ganache-cli and import it's test accounts into MetaMask using the seed phrase output to the terminal. Open another terminal session in another tab and run:

$ ganache-cli

Ganache-cli will start up and print ten test accounts and the seed phrase you'll import into MetaMask.

Seed Phrase

Copy the seed phrase from the terminal, open your browser and click on the MetaMask icon to open it up. If already logged in, log out. On the MetaMask login screen, click the 'import using account seed phrase' link at the bottom of the screen. Paste the seed phrase into the 'Wallet Seed' field, and input a new password into the password fields.

Localhost 8545

In MetaMask, make sure you have the Localhost 8545 network selected. To walk through the demonstration, you'll minimally need Account 1, but may want to create an additional two test accounts: Account 1 automatically becomes owner of the contract and the default administrator, and you can add that account as a shopowner as well. Alternatively, you could assign Account 2 as a Shop Owner, and Account 3 can be used as a non-permissioned user to buy products from the shops. Setting up separate accounts allows you to see the different interface views between account types.

Truffle Compile, Migrate & Test

Open another terminal tab and cd into the demo directory:

$ cd ~/myProject/marketplace_dapp_demo


Compile the Marketplace and Migration contracts:

$ truffle compile


Migrate the contracts to Ganacke-cli:

$ truffle migrate


Tests were developed to cover the features demonstrated in the walk-through. There are fourteen tests in total, divided into two separate test suites.

Admin Test Suite

The Admin test suit covers adding and removing shop owners and additional administrators, security restrictions on those features, and administrator control over the Circuit Breaker feature.

Run the admin test suite:

$ truffle test ./test/adminTests.js

Shop Test Suite

The Shop test suite covers shop owners' ability to create a shop, stock it with items, and un-permissioned users' ability to buy products. The supply chain management dialog between buyers and sellers is also covered in thsis suite. And run the shop test suite:

$ truffle test ./test/shopTests.js

Start the React Dapp

If everything compiles, migrates and tests correctly, you can start up the React Dapp and interact with it locally.

Change directories from the marketplace_dapp_demo root into the React client directory:

:~/myProject/marketplace_dapp_demo$ cd ./client

Then run npm start:

:~/myProject/marketplace_dapp_demo/client$ npm start

After the webserver starts up, access the demo at http://localhost:3000. Make sure you're logged into MetaMask, that MetaMask is using Localhost 8545 as the network, and that MetaMask's Account 1 is active. Follow the instructions you see on the home page to get started with a walk through.