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Turo configuration for semantic-release


Via NPM:

npm install --save-dev semantic-release @open-turo/semantic-release-config

Or yarn:

yarn add --dev semantic-release @open-turo/semantic-release-config


  • Default. Include all changes in the release notes. Allow next releases from branches that start with f/, b/ or c/
  • Gradle. All the default configuration in addition to updating the file
  • NPM. All the default configuration in addition to publishing packages to NPM and updates assets like package.json
  • OpenAPI. All the default configuration in addition to updating the and OpenAPI spec files.


The shareable config can be configured in the semantic-release configuration file:

  "extends": "@open-turo/semantic-release-config"

If you are not using the default preset, you have to specify its name too:

  "extends": "@open-turo/semantic-release-config/lib/npm"

See more details about how shareable configurations can be created in here.


This plugin requires no configuration, but certain environment variables need to be present in order for some of the plugins to work correctly.


  • GITHUB_TOKEN. A GitHub token so the Github release can be created


  • GITHUB_TOKEN. When a new release is published, this plugin will try to commit and push into the released branch. Ensure that the user that is running the release has push rights and can bypass branch protection rules (see here)


  • GITHUB_TOKEN. When a new release is published, this plugin will try to commit and push into the released branch. Ensure that the user that is running the release has push rights and can bypass branch protection rules (see here)
  • NPM_TOKEN. A NPM token so the package can be published to NPM (a .npmrc file with extra configuration can also be used)


  • GITHUB_TOKEN. When a new release is published, this plugin will try to commit and push into the released branch. Ensure that the user that is running the release has push rights and can bypass branch protection rules (see here)


This preset includes @semantic-release/exec to run custom scripts. It supports scripts for the publish, success and fail hooks.

The convention is that the configuration will run the script if there is an executable file like ./script/semantic-release-<hook>.

These scripts must follow the convention of the @semantic-release/exec plugin (e.g. in the publish hook, the release information can be written to stdout as parseable JSON, but nothing else).

If there is no file, then this plugin will be a noop.

Scripts don't receive any argument.


Install pre-commit and the commit hooks:

pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

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