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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

A0 - Please Review
A0 - Please Review
PR is ready for review
A2 - Insubstantial
A2 - Insubstantial
Does not affect logic/API (e.g. typo in docs)
A3 - In Progress
A3 - In Progress
PR in progress, not ready for review
A9 - Buy That Person a Beer 🍺
A9 - Buy That Person a Beer :beer:
Author deserves a beer
B0 - Silent
B0 - Silent
PR should not be mentioned in release notes
B2 - Breaks API
B2 - Breaks API
Breaking changes to the API
B3 - API Noteworthy
B3 - API Noteworthy
API is not broken, but worth noting
B4 - House Cleaning
B4 - House Cleaning
Cleans up the API, or Tech debt
B7 - Runtime Noteworthy
B7 - Runtime Noteworthy
PR contains fixes relevant to current Substrate runtime
C0 - Relay
C0 - Relay
Related to the Relay chain
C1 - Parachain
C1 - Parachain
Related to a Parachain
D0 - Dependencies
D0 - Dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
D1 - Docker
D1 - Docker
Issue regarding Docker
D2 - Github Actions
D2 - Github Actions
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
I1 - Panic 😱
I1 - Panic 😱
Sidecar panics without proper error handling
I2 - Bug 🐜
I2 - Bug 🐜
Sidecar has a bug
I5 - Documentation 📖
I5 - Documentation :book:
Documentation needs fixes or additions
I7 - Optimization 🚴
I7 - Optimization :bicyclist:
Make Sidecar drive faster
I8 - Enhancement
I8 - Enhancement
Additional feature request
I9 - Meta
I9 - Meta
Meta discussions about Sidecar
I10 - Testing
I10 - Testing
Sidecar needs tests added
Pull requests that update Javascript code
P0 - Drop Everything
P0 - Drop Everything
Shit is broken in production
Get fixed ASAP
P5 - Sometime Soon
P5 - Sometime Soon
Worth doing soon
P7 - Nice to Have
P7 - Nice to Have
Nice, but not urgent
Q1 - Easy
Q1 - Easy
Issue is easy, good newcomer issue
Q3 - Medium
Q3 - Medium
Requires decent knowledge of Sidecar/Substrate
Q5 - Hard
Q5 - Hard
Requires deep knowledge of Substrate