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This project allows users to store IPFS Hashes and CIDs in a blockchain network, and uses Web3.Storage to improve data redundancy and availability, providing a secure and decentralized solution for file storage and management.


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IPFS-CloudStorage-Descentralized 🗃️☁️

This project provides the user with the ability to store an IPFS Hash and store the corresponding CID in a blockchain network. In the example provided, the Polygon Mumbai Testnet was used, but any other network can be selected by modifying a few lines of code. In addition, the repository includes an interface that allows files to be selected and stored in Web3.Storage is a decentralized, distributed network that provides a reliable and censorship-resistant storage system.By using Web3.Storage, files are distributed across multiple nodes in the network, increasing redundancy and data availability.This combination of IPFS and a blockchain network provides a robust solution for secure, decentralized file storage and management. IPFS hashes ensure file integrity, while CIDs stored on the blockchain enable verification and tracking of files over time.

Setting Up

1. Clone the repository

2. Install dependencies

$ cd IPFS-CloudStorage-Descentralized
$ npm install --save-dev hardhat
$ npm install --save-dev @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox

3. Change variables in Files

# hardhat.config.js
$ privateKey
# api/uploadData.js Create account in Web3.Storage for obtained api key for a token
$ const token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cC"
# pages/constant.js
$ contractAddress

4. Deployment Solidity Contract Addresses

$ npx hardhat clean
$ npx hardhat compile
$ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network mumbai

#After deploying the IPFSCloud.sol replace this address in src/constant.js file with the variable:

export const contractAddress ="0x74789Ec821B1a0f6342d201C533dA8d2efd19D6D";

5. Localhost Deployment

npm install 

npm run dev 



This project allows users to store IPFS Hashes and CIDs in a blockchain network, and uses Web3.Storage to improve data redundancy and availability, providing a secure and decentralized solution for file storage and management.








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