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Honest product reviews to help buyers make the best purchase decisions.

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Honest Reviews

Honest product reviews to help buyers make the best purchase decisions.



  1. Git
git clone
cd honest-reviews



Run a production version of the Honest Reviews application from a Docker container exposed at http://localhost:3000.


  1. Setup
  2. Docker
docker build --tag honest-reviews .
docker run --name honest-reviews --publish 3000:3000 honest-reviews
:octocat: To seed the production database, run:
docker exec honest-reviews npx prisma db seed

Note: The seed script will create a new product and accompanying user reviews. It is idempotent and can be run as many times as required.


Run the Honest Reviews application in development mode at http://localhost:3000.


  1. Setup
  2. Node.js: >=14
  3. npm i to install package dependencies.
  4. cp .env.example .env to create an .env file. See Environment variables.
  5. npm run dev:init to create, migrate, and seed the database.
npm run dev

Automated tests

Run the Honest Reviews application test suite all together or individiually by type.


  1. All Development Prequisites.
  2. npx playwright install to install browser binaries required by Playwright E2E tests.

All together (Static, Unit, and E2E)

npm test


Analyse all application code for formatting, linting, and type errors.

npm run test:static


Verify isolated parts of the application, such as React components, work as expected.

npm run test:unit

:octocat: See a coverage report by running npm run test:unit:coverage.


Verify critical user flows, such as posting a product review, work as expected.

npm run test:e2e


Route Comments
/ Redirects to /products (the current homepage). This gives us room to have a root homepage in future.
/products The products page – a listing of all products in the database.
/products/$id The product identified by $id's page.
/products/$id/reviews Redirects to /products/$id#reviews. A vanity URL to improve the experience of people querying the visible URL structure. See route below.
/products/$id/reviews/new The review form for the product identified by $id.

Environment variables


We use Prisma – a type-safe ORM with support for the following databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MongoDB, and CockroachDB.

Our current database is SQLite (as defined by the default DATABASE_URL found in .env.example). To use another supported relational database, update this value.

For example

To use a PostgreSQL database, your .env file might contain the following:



Rating trend data

The rating trend chart is based on a 30-Day Simple Moving Average, which assumes there is at least one rating for every day. In practice, this may not be the case. For days where there are no reviews, we should carry over the previous day's rating.


[2, 3, null, 4] => [2, 3, 3, 4].

User authentication

It's currently possible for users to imitate other users. In practice, this means User A ( can post a review as User B ( by filling in the review form inaccurately. In order to prevent this, we should verify a user's identity through authentication before they can post a review.

E2E test isolation

We should isolate our E2E environment to allow tests to create, update, and delete data without affecting the main application.

Test action responses

Our server-side review posting logic exists within a Remix Action. This function is exported from the NewReviewPage component and can therefore be tested in isolation. We should verify the action returns the expected Responses and throws the expected errors when presented with various request cases.


Honest product reviews to help buyers make the best purchase decisions.




