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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Making things for my own usage when I can't find one done right, made public for others to enjoy.
Designer, developer, devops engineer; in a relationship with Emacs, open source game development, and pixel art. Send help. Or cookies.
DAX Studio is the ultimate tool for working with DAX queries. It includes tools to help beginners to get started like the integrated Query Builder as well as features for more experienced users to enable easy performance profiling.
Hi, I'm Alex. I'm a software engineer with years of experience in the industry, creating articles and frameworks for the Apple developer community.
My name is Emily Pillmore, a developer and amateur mathematician. I am a member of the Haskell core libraries committee, committee, and I contribute to a large number of open source projects in Haskell and Scala
My name is Dave Thomas aka 7sharp9. I'm primarily a functional programmer specialising in languages like F# but also other interesting languages like Rust, Swift, or even modern C++ :-o
Project Lombok helps Java developers to get rid of most of their boilerplate code, providing battle proven implementations. With your support, we can keep our product up-to-date, and remove even more boilerplate code.
Medito Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to improving mental wellbeing and helping people cope better with depression, stress, anxiety, and any other negative states of mind
A next-generation, full-stack acceptance testing and test integration framework based on the Screenplay Pattern 🎭
Bottles is a :stars: modern application that aims to make it easier to run Windows software (and games) on Linux!
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