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View config data in spreadsheet

sujato edited this page Apr 22, 2022 · 2 revisions

The v2 of publication and project data is flat json, i.e. no nesting. The reason for this was to make it easier to view data in a spreadsheet. It's hard to visualize a large json file raw, and it's easy to overlook things like a missed field.

Ideally we'd have a native interface for viewing and editing, but lacking that, it's now pretty simple to view these flat json files. Here's a couple of ways.

Start with the raw json:

convert to csv

Throw the raw json data in here:

Export as tsv and view locally in a spreadsheet.

import to Google sheets.

See instructions here:

This uses this script:

Supply the raw json URL and it imports to Google sheets.

Unfortunately it doesn't update, so to do that, click on the first cell where the formula is, cut it, click outside so the data disappears, then paste and run again.

Here's a dummy file I made for testing: