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This repo contains all the content for the blockchain primer workshop.

For tutorial instructions:

For the Dapp Primer slides: PDF

Environment Setup

Mac OS

1. Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for Mac OS. We will use it to install the packages necessary to work with Ethereum.

To get Homebrew, run the following command in your terminal:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

2. Node

Next, we'll need Node.js. To install it anew, run the following command:

brew install node

If you already have node installed, ensure that you are running version 8.9.4 or later. To check your current version, run:

node -v

3. Text Editor

You may use your text editor of choice, but we recommend Atom or Visual Studio Code. Using one of these, download and install the Solidity language package - you will need it for your smart contracts.

  • Get Visual Studio Code here
  • Get Atom here

If you are using Visual Studio, use the package manager to install the solidity package by Juan Blanco:

Visual Studio Code Ethereum Package

If you are using Atom, use the installer to install language-ethereum:

Atom Ethereum Language Package

Once you have installed the language, be sure to restart the text editor before beginning your project so the changes take effect.

4. Ganache CLI (Formerly TestRPC)

Ganache is an Ethereum node implemented in JS that acts as an emulator for blockchain test networks, allowing you to test your smart contracts locally instead of on the real net. To install it, run the following in your terminal:

brew install ganache-cli

To confirm that Ganache installed successfully, run the following command:


This will start up a new node.

5. Truffle

Truffle is a smart contract framework we will use to build and deploy our contracts. To install it, run the following command:

npm install -g truffle


1. Node.js

We will be using Node.js along with our Ethereum tools. to install it anew, run the following command in your Command Prompt:

npm install -g node

If you have a previous version of Node installed, you'll want to be sure you're working with 8.9.4 or later. To check the version you currently have installed:

node -v

2. Text Editor

You may use your text editor of choice, but we recommend Atom or Visual Studio Code. Using one of these, download and install the Solidity language package - you will need it for your smart contracts.

  • Get Visual Studio Code here
  • Get Atom here

If you are using Visual Studio, use the package manager to install the solidity package by Juan Blanco:

Visual Studio Code Ethereum Package

If you are using Atom, use the installer to install language-ethereum:

Atom Ethereum Language Package

Once you have installed the language, be sure to restart the text editor before beginning your project so the changes take effect.

3. Ganache CLI (Formerly TestRPC)

Ganache is an Ethereum node implemented in JS that acts as an emulator for blockchain test networks, allowing you to test your smart contracts locally instead of on the real net. To install it, run the following:

npm install -g ganache-cli

To confirm that Ganache installed successfully, run the following command:


This will start up a new node.

4. Truffle

Truffle is a smart contract framework we will use to build and deploy our contracts. To install, run the following npm command:

npm install -g truffle

Confirm that installation was successful by checking the version:

truffle --version


1. Node.JS

Install curl

sudo apt install curl

Download Node.JS using the commands for your distribution, found here.

Ensure you are using a recent stable version of Node. To check your current version of Node and NPM, run the following commands:

node -v
npm -v

2. Ganache CLI

Ganache is an Ethereum node implemented in JS that acts as an emulator for blockchain test networks, allowing you to test your smart contracts locally instead of on the real net. To install it, run the following:

sudo npm install -g ganache-cli

3. Truffle

Truffle is a smart contract framework we will use to build and deploy our contracts. To install it, run the following command:

sudo npm install -g truffle

4. Text Editor

You may use your text editor of choice, but we recommend Atom or Visual Studio Code. Using one of these, download and install the Solidity language package - you will need it for your smart contracts.

  • Get Visual Studio Code here
  • Get Atom here

If you are using Visual Studio, use the package manager to install the solidity package by Juan Blanco:

Visual Studio Code Ethereum Package

If you are using Atom, use the installer to install language-ethereum:

Atom Ethereum Language Package

Once you have installed the language, be sure to restart the text editor before beginning your project so the changes take effect.


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