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GitHub Action edited this page Nov 25, 2021 · 6 revisions

Py 2 -> Py 3 Migration Notes

Move old_py2/ files

Migrated files should be moved from the old_py2/ folder to the new destination in order to preserve git blame history. After moving, edits can be made to the file to update it for the Python 3 migration.

Remove google.appengine imports

Any google.appengine namespaced imports should be replaced with their new Google Cloud libraries.

google.appengine.api.app_identity => backend.common.environment(ish)
google.appengine.api.memcache => (TODO: Move) => (TODO: Move)
google.appengine.api.taskqueue =>
google.appengine.api.urlfetch => requests
google.appengine.api.users => backend.common.auth

google.appengine.ext.ndb =>
google.appengine.ext.testbed => (Removed)

Create Sitevar wrapper for Sitevars

Code using Sitevar directly should be removed in favor of a typed Sitevar wrapper in commom/sitevars. This will allow us to define specific, type-safe APIs around sitevars, along with providing default values for sitevars that do not exist in a new instance.

Google Analytics Event Tracking

Calls to the endpoint are now wrapped via GoogleAnalytics.track_event.

Updating Tests

Remove use of unittest

unittest is no longer used for running our tests. This means removing the use of unittest2.TestCase classes, along with any test_ methods that take self as an argument.

Update asserts

The old self.assertEqual style asserts are no longer used. Use the assert keyword instead.

self.assertEqual(one, two) => assert one == two
self.assertTrue(obj) => assert obj
self.assertFalse(obj) => assert not obj
self.assertIsNone(obj) => assert obj is None
self.assertIsNotNone(obj) => assert obj is not None

When updating tests, note when to use is vs when to use ==.