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WSL Guide

GitHub Action edited this page Jun 12, 2021 · 4 revisions

Initial setup

This doc was written on Windows 10 Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.388) using WSL 2 running Ubuntu 20.04. This was not tested on WSL1 and we highly recommend using WSL2.


PS C:\Users\justin> wsl --list --verbose
  NAME                   STATE           VERSION
* Ubuntu-20.04           Running         2
  docker-desktop         Running         2
  docker-desktop-data    Running         2

We highly recommend cloning your TBA fork onto the WSL filesystem. Upon an initial WSL setup, doing cd ~ in your WSL shell will bring you to the FS in your terminal. To see the files in Windows Explorer, you can navigate to \\wsl$ and then open your corresponding OS installation.

If you do not clone to the WSL FS, you will experience slower file read/write times and hot reloading will not work (such as vagrant rsync-auto). There may be an option to swap these hot reloading tools to poll the FS, but these will be much slower, especially in a large project like TBA. (Source:

Install Docker on windows

Make sure you set it up with WSL.

After its running (on Windows), it should be added to your WSL path.

Install Vagrant on WSL

You probably need to install Virtualbox too, as it says in the article.

Edit ~/.bashrc

(Or the equivalent for whatever shell you are using)

Please follow the Vagrant setup for WSL here:

Please make note to add the following to your ~/.bashrc (or equivalent):


WSL may not be able to find your powershell executable (for some reason); you'll need to add the following symlink:

sudo ln -s /mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe /usr/local/bin/powershell


For whatever reason, the usual way of exporting the powershell executable onto the PATH variable doesn't work here.

Edit /etc/wsl.conf

Create /etc/wsl.conf (you'll need sudo) and add this:

enabled = true
options = "metadata"
mountFsTab = false

Restart WSL after this. You may be able to get away with just restarting your shells, but it didn't work for me until I restarted Windows entirely.


Maybe chmod the ssh key

You may have to chmod 600 to the private key, but probably not:

$ chmod 600 -f .vagrant/machines/default/docker/private_key

Note which branch you are on

Note that currently, TBA is porting a significant portion of code from Python 2 to Python 3. As a result, most work is going into the py3 branch, while prod is running master. There is a small change to Vagrantfile present in py3 but has not yet made it into master (or other branches). If you run into problems running those branches, check to see if the following line is present in Vagrantfile:

  config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true

Run vagrant up

Try running vagrant up. If you see an error regarding unable to find the directory /tba, try running vagrant destroy && vagrant up.

Troubleshooting rsync

You may find that rsync is especially slow on WSL; currently, I/O speed is a problem for WSL. A simple workaround is to use vagrant-gatling-rsync.

A bash script exists that will install said plugin, modify Vagrantfile, and modify ops/dev/ in order to improve rsync speed.

$ ./ops/dev/vagrant/