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kyleconroy edited this page Feb 26, 2013 · 2 revisions

This scene is triggered when the player reaches the bridge in the Forest. The rest of the Greendale Seven all enter the screen during this scene.

A loud, booming voice is heard from the sky.

CORNELIUS: Welcome to Hawkthorne!

PIERCE: Dad?!?

Cornelius's disembodied head appears over the characters; animation is accompanied by ominous music and the sky darkens

CORNELIUS: Piercinald, in 1980, you said that video games, not moist towelettes, were the business of the future. Today, moist towelettes are stocked in every supermarket, while arcade after arcade closes.

TROY: He's got a point.

CORNELIUS: Nevertheless, I designed this game to be played upon my death by you and whatever cabal of fruits, junkies, and sluts you call your friends.

PIERCE: Her name is Britta.

CORNELIUS: Only one player can win... the first to reach my throne inside Castle Hawkthorne. Their reward, Pierce, will be your inheritance. So you see, Pierce, turns out you were right. Video games are important. Ha Ha Ha ! Worst son ever!

Cornelius's disembodied head vanishes, the sky brightens again