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Episode Attacks and Damage Analysis

8bitgentleman edited this page Jun 27, 2015 · 1 revision

This is an analysis of attacks/damages as seen on the show.

Attacks seen in the epsiode

Hippie Attacks Annie

Annie gets “hit” ten times by hippie each causing a -1. Jeff arrives and accidentally attacks her as well. All in all there are 12 -1s that pop up on screen before she dies. All characters do -1 damage in melee attack. In the forest Jeff and Troy hit each other repeatedly, each time doing -1 damage. It wouldn’t be far fetched to assume that there is double damage occurring. The scene is cut off before Jeff actually dies.

If we are doing a level up system, 20 HP doesn’t sound like too outlandish to begin with. Still doesn’t explain the super strong hippies in the second part of the episode. There could be a solution though. In storyboarding, it looks like Gilbert beats them no matter what and they are forced back to the study room. Then when they re emerge, the hippies can be far more powerful and thus increase the difficulty with which they can be defeated before you get to Abed’s city.

Abed/Britta, Troy, Shirley each attack a hippie

Troy and Shirley jump on the hippie 4 or 5 times (depending on your POV) on screen to kill a hippie. Abed on the other hand jumps 6 times and has the assistance of a punching Britta to kill their hippie.

Jeff Attacks Abed

Three prong attack: punch, slap, kick. Each does “-1”. Abed does not die.

Jeff and Troy Fight

A few attacks each for “-1”. Nobody dies.

Gilbert Attack #1

Everyone (but Pierce) dies after one hit. A series of -1s are shown on the screen.

Gilbert Suffocates Pierce

Pierce lasts three seconds underground before dying.

Britta Attacks Pierce (Hug button incident)

Pierce attempts to commit suicide, and is underground for a little of two seconds before Britta intervenes. One hit is enough to kill Pierce.

The first second of suffocation halves (50%) HP after 2 seconds it gets reduced to 1, 3rd second you die? regardless of levels but maybe abilities to improve breath holding.

Pierce Kicks Britta (upon seeing Hilda):

Britta survives, nothing to it.

Annie Kills Blacksmith

Blacksmith is ablaze for around 9 seconds, consistently losing -1s. Finished off with a few ax hits. 20 HP for basic NPC’s with axe doing tonnes of extra damage?

Shirley Kills Blacksmith’s wife:

Wife burns for only about a second or two, appears to be dead before Shirley gives off some insurance hits.

Gilbert Attack #2:

Everyone but Britta take a few hits but survive. Jeff takes about 10 -1s and still lives. Britta is not so fortunate and dies in one hit, but to be fair, she got hit by a super lightning attack.

Britta Kills Gilbert:

Gilbert died instantly after drinking Britta’s potion.

Annie Kills Britta:

About 4 -1s and Britta dies.

Pierce Attacks Troy:

One hit, nothing to it.

Gilbert Attack #3:

Pierce is decapitated. Rest die as bridge collapses.

Hippie Attack

Everyone takes at most around 3 hits before dying.


Possible inconsistencies but can be explained with a little imagination. Obviously decapitation or falling off a bridge will lead to a death.

Regardless of attack, when damage is listed, it is always -1. The difference is whether there are a series of them in a row or not. Perhaps a health bar of 15 or 20 would be most suitable.

The leveling system mentioned above would make the most sense. Gilbert says “...while you were shopping, I gained enough levels...” (10:25). This establishes that the game contains a level system. This can be used to bridge the inconsistencies in the following way

  • As we never see the 7 level up in the game, slight differences in the number of attacks required to kill can be explained by level differences
  • The game could also ‘level up’ the enemies - either for each person according to their level or as an average of the groups levels. This would explain the hippies being much harder the third (or fourth) time around- Lastly, along with leveling traditionally comes points to spend on various attributes. This further explains the potential differences in hit strength, as some characters may have spent points on attack whilst others would have spent points on other parts (eg cunning [Pierce], faith [Shirley] or dress-sense [Jeff]
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