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enlight edited this page Sep 26, 2014 · 1 revision

Plugin source should conform to the UE4 coding standard with one notable exception in regards to variable naming. In UE4 source all variable names start with an uppercase letter, regardless of whether they're local, member, global or parameters. Personally I think this naming convention makes it difficult to tell at a glance what the scope of any given variable is, especially when syntax highlighting is not available (when looking at diffs for example). To address this shortcoming I've altered the naming convention slightly such that local variables and parameters start with a lowercase letter. Because I've made this decision recently much of the existing code does not follow this convention, but I'll be updating it bit by bit.

Other C++ source (libraries and such) should conform to the same coding convention as plugin source, but with yet another exception in regards to variable naming. Private member variable names should start with an underscore followed by a lowercase letter, protected member variables should start with a lowercase letter, public member variables should start with an uppercase letter.