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Vadim Macagon edited this page Jul 23, 2015 · 3 revisions
  • Setting the VS Debugger to Mixed prevents the native UE4 debug visualizers from working, this is especially annoying for FString, because they will not display the actual text they contain. This is a known limitation of the VS native debugger visualization framework (FFS, seriously?!)... at least you can still dig into an FString to figure out what text it contains by appending su to the internal buffer in a Watch window like so: SomeFString.Data.AllocatorInstance.Data,su
  • A UFactory subclass can either import assets or create them from scratch, not both. This is due to the way FAssetTools::ImportAssets() is currently implemented, if a factory sets UFactory::bCreateNew = true then the overridden FactoryCreateText() will never be called.
  • Whenever you rebuild the CLR host assemblies, make sure you delete the game scripts assembly so it's rebuilt and the updated versions of the host assemblies are copied into the game project binaries dir! If you don't you'll get a cryptic FatalExecutionEngineError exception when the editor plugin attempts to create the primary engine app domain.
  • To debug UHT and the Klawr code generator open UE4.sln, build the UE4 project as usual, then switch the solution configuration to Debug, build UHT and specify UE4Editor <path-to-engine-source-checkout>\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\[Debug|Development]\UnrealHeaderTool.manifest as the command line args in the debugging settings for the UHT project, then launch UHT with debugging from VS. You can also debug UHT using a game project, the relevant command line args can be found in Engine\Programs\UnrealHeaderTool\Saved\Logs\UnrealHeaderTool.log after the initial build of the project (only the target name and manifest filename are required).